Kamal Academy (Lee Moavenzadeh) and E3 Camp are collaborating together to spread the joy of Science in African-American and Latino communities. A Science Trailer has been purchased and the mission for both organizations is to give underrepresented youth the opportunities to experience hands-on activities and instructional lessons in the art, engineering, math, science, and technology fields that will lead them to career choices after high school.
E3 Camp was approved for a $2,000 community grant through the Family Success Alliance. On June 18th and 28th (2022) The Mobile Science Cafe trailer had its FIRST mobile event that included the youth making a mobile car and wind turbine. Nineteen Latino youth of the Crestwood Mobile Park off JoMac Road, Chapel Hill attended the event. The $2,000 grant paid for all of the needed materials and administrative fees. Each youth was given a gift bag full of $60 worth of school supplies and a science reading book. Special Thanks to Dana Crews, Wendi Everson and Mariela Hernandez for supporting the event. Please enjoy pictures from the events. |